Wednesday, April 28, 2010

See you in the .. FUTURE

Today we had a special lecture in our social and digital media class that emphasized social capital (check this too) and connectedness through our network we’ve developed in the last four months. It was presented thousands of years ahead of 'now' ... in the future. My HumberPR social media gangsters introduced “Future Camp”, led by Zack Sandor-Kerr and Jenna Stothers, where we discussed how we’ll stay close when our course is done and we are let loose in the real world.

Ideally, I hope to stay connected through the random phone calls and texts that we share, but also to utilize some of the social media platforms we’ve discovered to keep in touch. Our Facebook group will remain; we’ve also developed a new Twitter hashtag (#) that we could use to mobilize monthly events. Our favourite, Why Not Wednesdays will be converted into the hashtag #YnotW.

With another semester ahead of us, I’m sure the sinking feeling of our time together coming to an end will hit in the not too distant future… But I feel confident I’ll be able to reach out whenever, wherever, to the future generation of PR practitioners and the current best buds in the universe. Good luck to all and don’t forget… @JaymesBeatty.

Special Shout-Outs to HUMBER ON TWITTER! (click to connect to their fantastic blogs)

Patrick @PatHPR
Jeff @ChefDeafJeff
Sarah @LatishaFlash
Zack @ZackSandorKerr
Jenna @Jenna Stothers
Sarah @SarahLongPR
Laura @LauraTeed
Kathleen @KathleenNapier
Kiel @KielCulture
Amanda @AmandaLeone
Deborah @DeborahWaines
Zofia @ZofiaSzaflarska
Ben @BWylie1
Michael @MichaelCayley / @MemeticBrand

and follow the trend #humberpr #YnotW

Good Day!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link James. Please keep in touch.

    You have done great work throughout the course.

    I look forward to working with you in the future.

    I am sure there will be opportunities.
